Pediatric OT for Your Child at Home and at School
Pediatric Occupational Therapist’s serve children in both medical and educational settings, where the roles differ slightly. While there are many similarities in assessment and treatment, there are differences in the regulations and funding streams which may constrain the services. Our therapists collaborate with all the other professionals in a child’s circle of caring, regardless of whether our services are offered through your healthcare system or your school district.
Therapy Model
Medical OT for children
OT in Special Education
Eligibility based on
medical diagnosis
special education category
Eligibility requires
“medically necessary”
“necessary for access to curriculum”
Referral most often by
parent, physician
teacher, parent
Assessments Used
functional and standardized
Treatment Goals related to
skills for living
core curricular standards
Takes place in
clinic, home, community
Goal writing by
therapist with family
educational team
Priorities set by
educational team
Treatment Plan approval
family, PCP, insurance
special educational team
Implementation responsibility
family, therapist
educational team
Outcome responsibility
special education teacher
Funding responsibility
family, insurance
school district
Treatment Group most often
individual, with family
small group, with educational assistant
Treatment Approach usually
therapy activities
consultative to educators
Primary Treatment Strategy
develop skills & physical abilities
adapt curricular activities to limitations
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